
Sweet Valley Ten Years Later has everyone talking!

“Fans who grew up on SVH will delight in Pascal’s return to sunny California. Seeing everyone all grown up — and stumbling through their 20s — is a huge treat. “ –Romantic Times

“Before there was ‘Gossip Girl,’ there was Sweet Valley High…’Sweet Valley Confidential’ makes a compelling enough companion that we actually missed two subway stops because we were caught up in its frothy fun.” –Wall Street Journal

“It’s a soupy, nostalgia-choked kiss blown to Sweet Valley fans…and that’s a good thing.” –Double X

“It’s unexpectedly stirring—you can feel it in your heart, this fluttering memory of caring about Jessica and Elizabeth Wakefield.” –The

“Has Liz grown a spine? Is Jess still a bitch? You know your inner tween is dying to know.” –M.J. Fine, Philadelphia Citypaper

“For the vast canon of works devoted to the modern gal’s sexual escapapdes and shoe-shopping habits, including Candace Bushnell’s Sex and the City and Cecily von Zigesar’s Gossip Girl, we have Francine Pascal to thank.” –The Daily Beast

“I can’t remember the last time I ignored my cell phone, my DVR backlog and my emails (something about a Reese Witherspoon wedding?) to read a book—an actual book!—cover to cover. For one lovely Saturday afternoon in late March, it was a joy to unplug from my life and excitedly catch up with a few old friends. Pure love. Actually, make that double love.” –The Huffington Post

“We catch up on what’s been going on with Jessica and Elizabeth Wakefield in the just-released Sweet Valley Confidential. It’s a perfect storm of decades past, and we are LOVING it.” –MTV Buzzworthy Blog

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